Friday, June 19, 2009


Drving down to Avalanche last week, we got a shot of the Radio Telescope at M.Palada, or Muthorai Palada a few km outside Ooty. Anyone expecting to see a giant telescope trained on the stars is doomed to disappointment. The blue looking thing on the hill slope is actually an array of antenna which detect and collect data on radio sources.
TIFR (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ) put this small village on the map and it has remained fairly unspoilt until now. When the developers have discovered this area.

Moving On

My last post had pics showing carrots being washed the traditional way which is rather labour intensive.
Now, Ooty has a new machine installed - to wash carrots!

Some people, though are sad about the jobs lost though the process is faster. Machines are replacing people :-(

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Those Fresh Crisp enticing Carrots

Very often one finds carrots for sale in roadside stalls.

And sometimes one can see the process by which they get 'market-ready'.

Dhobi Ghat

This arrangement seems unique. I've never seen a similar one anywhere else so far.
Built by the British, it should be 100 years old at least say the dhobis who still use it. They remember their grandfathers using the dhobi ghat. Its maintained by the Municipality - hence the pristine condition.They pay a tax to use it and it remains exclusive to the old families.
Maybe the place where our clothes get 'dry-cleaned' :-)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Road Less Travelled

Two Roads diverged...
I took the one less travelled..

A september Morning

September is the 'Second season' at Ooty. And today, the 1st started with off with a fine morning. The air was not too cold but crisp and the freshness of all the greens renewed by recent rains was invigorating.

At 7.30 a.m. I was at the Breeks stadium . A few brisk souls were out exercising while the frost steamed into the air as the sun came up.

Thursday, April 10, 2008